Release Your Songs On All Platforms

I Don’t know about you but


So, here is a little story. I have been producing music for more than a decade now! I gradually shifted towards making radio and TV commercials in earlier days of my career coz I didn’t know how to survive myself in music other than that. I really had great fun, learnt a lot, made good money and had the opportunity to work with the best in our Indian Industry.

The year 2018, I decided that I need to shift my focus back to making songs because now I have proper skills and resources to do so and hence I started a new youtube channel. I found my goal ” A Better Musician Everyday”. I also started making videos on various production techniques to help others grow as well.

Earlier, when I would want to release music, I will have to go through chains of people, the process was tiresome, very slow and inefficient. I will have to spend a good amount of money for every release and nobody would talk about the royalties that I can get if my music gets good plays. They will rather keep me in darkness and I will happy thinking, at least my music is on all the platforms now.

But this is not a way to go for me if I have to produce and release countless amount of music every year and hence I started my research and now almost 2 years I am using DistroKid. It is just easy for me. They keep adding new features and they are just fantastic people, I believe. And yes! I get money from whatever plays I get across all major platforms, for which I don’t have put in extra efforts other than making good music and simply posting it online via DistroKid.

Because I love you, get extra 7% off your first year’s DistroKid membership using the promo link or by clicking this button. 

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